воскресенье, 24 марта 2013 г.

Love is blind

Song of the day: Fleur "Жертва" (Victim)
"You`re cold and gloomy, you can`t warm me up. Light up my dress, so I`ll burn. Broke my arm, punch my face. Im so worn out to wait until your fingers will shrink in the throat. What can I do if it`s the only way to feel your touch one more time"

This picture drinks a dozen gallons of my blood


воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

So, the first one.
After years of using @diary system, google services seems so unfamiliar to me. Im feeling myself discouraged a bit. Anyway, Im not a stupid blonde (a stupid redhair maybe?)so Ill take it like a man. But tomorrow, love, tomorrow. All this "who are you, what`s your interests and what the hell are you doing here" sections. Its beyond my strength now.

Anyway again - a piece of picture im doing right now to gain your interest =)  
Im faced with hard long road to coloring and painting this thorax owner`s face.

PS. I wanna to be a badass in English and badass in drawing. But now Im just bad in both of them. Very bad) So feel free to tell me about mistakes and misunderstandings in languege and in pictures (and feel even more free to tell me how cute, talented and brilliant I am =))